Monday 27 May 2024

Crick Show: Day 4

Surprisingly sunny today, the final day of the show.  I had nothing much to do, so we mooched round the show again.  Adrian also worked on the Braidbar stand again.  I also had a walk up the towpath the other way, and caught two of the little show trip boats passing each other.

At 2.30 they made the announcement of the Favourite Boat winners.  As there were only five widebeams eligible, there was just a winner, Bespoke Boats.

The winner of the Narrowboat category was Kingsground.

Stoke Bespoke Boat Co were second, and Boating Leisure Services and Braidbar were joint third.  We set off straight away afterwards.

It seems that many boats had already left, but when we got to the top of the Watford Locks there was only one ahead of us.  Three boats were coming up, so we waited about 45 minutes; we moved over to the water point and filled up while we were waiting.  Once we were on our way down, things went smoothly.

We tried to fit into a gap past Bridge 3 but it was a few feet too short, so we have moored just before Norton Junction, opposite Weltonfield Marina.  The trouble is, you never know how busy it is round the corner!  Once we were moored up, the local swan family came to visit.

4 miles, 7 locks.  (49 miles, 42 locks)

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