Monday 11 January 2016

Spica on test

The February edition of Canal Boat is out, and includes my boat test on Spica, a Roger Farrington shell fitted out by Sandhills.  This is one of my favourite boats of recent times -- well worth a look.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Thrupp Wharf and Mercia Marina

I went up to the boat yesterday afternoon, as I had a boat test to do today.  It was pretty chilly on board, so getting the fire lit was the first job.

This morning it was a wet drive up the M1 to Mercia Marina.  The weather failed to follow the forecast, so although the sun came out at about lunchtime, the wind was much stronger than expected -- so we weren't able to get the running shots done.  They'll have to be done some other time.

Perhaps the best bit was a quick catch up with Jayne and Stephen from Dolce Far Niente.  I texted them as we headed for lunch at the Willow Tree cafe, and they came and joined us for a drink and chat.  We haven't seen them out on the cut this year, so it was good to hear about their year.  Unfortunately, I failed to take a single photo either day!