Saturday, 8 March 2025

Mac on test

The April Canal Boat is out, and includes my boat test on Mac, by Stone Bespoke Boats.

Monday, 17 February 2025

New year, new boat, new blog

Big announcement time!

We’re having a new boat built, starting very soon.  Kingley Vale will be built by Braidbar Boats, and I’ve set up a new blog to record the build and our subsequent travels.  I’ve added it to the blog roll to the right hand side of this blog, so new posts will pop up there — but please add it to your own blog rolls and book marks too.  There’s a first post that’s just been published.

This blog will continue, because very soon we’ll be having some other life changes and BR will be our home!  Stay tuned, there’s plenty going on at the moment.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Flow Down on test

The March Canal Boat is out, and includes my boat test on Flow Down by Aintree Boats.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

The family Stone

It was pretty chilly overnight, even though the fire stayed in well. We had a fairly relaxed start to the day, and then got in the car and headed up the M1 and M6 to Stone, where we were meeting my Cheshire family. We were there a bit early, so went for a walk. 

We had a table booked at the Crown Wharf, which overlooks the basin by the Stone hire boat company. We were able to get it early and had coffee and tea before my sister and family arrived, also bringing my dad. It’s a huge pub, but we had a nice booth; the food also turned out to be very good, and excellent value. After lunch we did Christmas presents to my nieces, then went for another look at the canal.

The drive back was pretty foggy, and it was almost dark by the time we were at the marina. It had been a lovely afternoon seeing the family. 

Friday, 10 January 2025


We have come up to the boat for a weekend of family things. We drove to London early as I was on the Breakfast shift; Adrian came for a look round the new studios then drove the rest of the way to the marine. He got there about 9am, and it was very frosty!

I came up on the train to Milton Keynes. Adrian had got the fire going and had the Eberspacher on. But the gas locker lid was frozen shut, so he hadn’t been able to put the gas on. We found some de-icer in his car and used that to unstick it. The hosepipe was also frozen, but a boater a bit further down had been filling his tank so we borrowed his. We couldn’t remember when the tank was last filled so we thought we’d better put some water in, but we didn’t want to fill it. 

At lunchtime we met a former colleague of Adrian’s for lunch at the Navigation right by the marina. This evening we are out again, meeting Catherine, Nigel, Grace and Matthew at a different pub. 

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Unexpected on test

The February issue of Canal Boat is out, and includes my boat test on Unexpected by Ortomarine