Monday, 5 August 2019

Yelvertoft Marina

A quick dash up to Yelvertoft Marina today for a boat test.  We’d been keeping an eye on the weather, and Andy the photographer decided yesterday that midday today would be best.  I was sceptical having looked at the forecasts, but he was right — it was lovely and sunny with blue skies and white fluffy clouds.  The marina is home to a big family of swans, which goes around like a gang.

I popped into Crick to get a late lunch from the Co-op before heading back.  I was home at a reasonable time.

1 comment:

Mike Green said...

I’m looking to promote my boat sales portal and was wondering if you accept guest article submissions (paid for of course) or if you would be willing to put a link to my site from yours?
If this is something that is of interest to you please let me know what your requirements and costings would be?

Kind regards

Mike Green