It was a nice bright morning first thing, but soon clouded over a bit. But I was still impressed by the amount of charge the solar panel put into the batteries through the morning.
At 9am I had a call with the owner of yesterday's boat, and then spent the rest of the morning writing up the article. The first draft is pretty much done. At 12 noon I set off to turn the boat around, which was accomplished at the entrance to Kingfisher marina. One of the fields en route was being harvested, and there were a couple of raptors of some description flying overhead, presumably hoping to catch small mammals escaping the combine harvester.
I moored up again in exactly the same place I'd held half an hour previously. I had lunch, then went to try to get some sleep before nigh shifts start tonight. The cloud had disappeared, the sun had come out, and it had warmed up considerably, so I left the side doors and stern doors open to try to get some air through. I managed to get a few hours sleep in spite of the number of boats passing, some of which slowed down, but many of which didn't.
I had dinner, then at just before 7pm set off for the marina. I had to wait before making my turn in because a boat had just come through the bridge; then as I approached our berth I noticed a mother duck with a little duckling was in there -- and I blame them for leaving the turn much too late, and ending up a bit further up the marina than I'd hoped! I waited for the breeze to blow the boat in thr right direction, and slotted back in without any difficulty. I have a little bit of packing up to do, and then I'll shortly be getting in the car and heading to London for work.
2.5 miles, 0 locks. (6 miles, 0 locks)
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