Sunday, 28 May 2017

Crick Show: Day 2

Last night and this morning we've been having trouble with the Eberspacher, the hot water boiler. It was producing clouds of white smoke from the exhaust, and refusing the run for very long. This morning I went up to the Boating Leisure Services stand to see Dave who knows about these things, and he reckons it needs a service. We'll call in to BLS on the way back home.

Progress on writing a couple of hundred words on each of 20+ boats has been good, so mid morning we went over to the show with a shopping list. We managed to get about half the things we wanted, but some had to wait as the stalls only took cash. We then walked up to the village for provisions and money from the cash machine. The one at the show charges.

Back at the boat there was more writing followed by lunch. Then we decided that with nothing particularly to keep us at the show site, we'd head out to the countryside for the night. The musical offering at the show is nothing special, and we needed to run the engine for hot water anyhow, so we concluded we might as well move while doing so. In addition it was a lovely day -- much better than forecast.

We set off around the corner, and immediately found two of the trip boats coming the other way, followed by the boat giving handling taster courses, followed by the third trip boat. At the winding hole, a Black Prince boat was trying to turn around, but had put its stern into the hole rather than its bow, which made things very difficult. We were there quite a while while they got themselves round and unstuck.

We continued in increasingly hot sunshine along the summit pound. It really is very pretty.

We were aiming for the place we stopped on Thursday night. Someone was in the actual spot, so we had to come a little further along. It's still nice and quiet and with a view. Since then, Adrian has been making a chili for later, and we've both been working.

5 miles, 0 locks. (42 miles, 21 locks)

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