Tuesday 3 September 2024

Not the day planned

I was due to be going to the Warwick area this afternoon for a boat test.  But both Adrian and I have had Covid in the later part of last week, and when I took a test this morning I was still positive.  We thought about Andy the photographer still going to at least get the photos done, but the weather wasn’t looking very nice so we have switched to a plan B.  Strangely, Adrian has felt worse than me throughout, and still does — but he did a test this morning which was clear.

I had to make a quick dash into civilisation for some food and a couple more tests, and managed to do so without having contact with anyone.  Back at the boat, I set about washing the roof, which was in a bit of a state, particularly where the plank and pole stand is.  I’d been partly inspired by Oleanna’s blog today in which Pip washed the roof; I was also inspired by the passages through Froghall Tunnel, but the means of recreating that were limited!

At least by washing the roof in the marina I could use the hosepipe to rinse it off, because getting the dirt off the roof and not just drying in a different place is actually the hardest part.  I also rubbed down and primed a couple of handrail scuffs from the Ashted Tunnel last year.

I’m supposed to be at work tomorrow, but phoned and said I was still testing positive and should probably stay away; they certainly don’t want everyone getting it.  With that decision made, I thought I would head out of the marina to avoid going stir crazy.  I got the boat ready to cruise, set off, and between the marina entrance and the first corner passed three boats going the other way, with another one just round the bend.  It was good to be out; note the clean roof.

My spot by the footpath through the hedge was free, but I went first to turn around.  A bit of extra time charging the batteries and making some hot water was needed for one thing.  The space was still free when I got back, so I tied up with the galley window lined up with the gap.  Right by the boat were fantastic blackberries, so I spent a while picking them, although some were guarded by thistles and very tall stinging nettles.

There’s a good lot, so I’ll be putting some in the freezer.  Tomorrow I’ll need to make a decision about work on Thursday.  Right now the sun has come out and it’s like a completely different day.

3 miles, 0 locks.

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