Monday 24 June 2024

June weekend: Day 5

Lovely and sunny yet again.  Before breakfast, while Adrian was in the shower, I popped across the field next to our mooring to have a closer look at the ruined church.

We set off at about 9, covering very familiar territory.  The sun was strong, and the back of my steering arm which got a bit burned yesterday, was taking the brunt again.  At Cosgrove Lock, a Gayton hire boat was just coming down, so we could then go in.

Not sure what happened next, but we were up the lock by the time they got their boat onto the water point on the lock landing.  I’ve never seen the Cosgrove village moorings so empty — just one boat in the whole length.  When we got to our marina, we went straight past.  We were heading for Baxter’s boat yard for a top up of diesel, and a new gas bottle to replace one which ran out when we were on our way up to Crick.  Once all that was done, we turned around, headed back to the marina, and were secure in our berth at about 12.45.  We had lunch, packed up the car, and got on the road about 1.45 — for a slowish journey home.

9 miles, 1 lock.  (49 miles, 14 locks)

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