Sunday 23 June 2024

June weekend: Day 4

Sunny again this morning.  We were forced to have another cooked breakfast, to use up the rest of the bacon etc from yesterday.  But we were up and about quite early, and set off at 8.45.  

At the Soulbury Locks, there was a boat going down the middle lock, so we had to turn the top one.

Then there was a boat coming up, so we waited and swapped with them.  The same happened with the middle lock, we swapped with a boat coming up the bottom one.

At Stoke Hammon Lock, we’ve always liked the converted pump house alongside.  They sometimes have tomatoes or beans for sale, but nothing today.

At Fenny Stratford, there was a WRG work party, which included Martin from Canal Boat.  At the lock, a boat which had turned around was just ahead so we went through with them.  All through Milton Keynes there seemed to be a lot of herons, intent on fishing.

There were also new ducklings, presumably at least the second clutch, and tiny moorhen chicks.

It had clouded over somewhat, but the sun came out again by the time we moored at about 2.30 just through Bridge 75, near the Stanton Low park.  We washed the side of the boat, and then did the Bullet colour restorer.  This is the worst side of the boat, so I think the difference is more pronounced; Adrian isn’t so convinced.  Either way, we’ve earned a G&T this evening.

12 miles, 5 locks.  (40 miles, 13 locks)

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