Wednesday, 28 June 2023


A second morning when I walked along the towpath at a relatively early hour back to the marina and the car.  I’d made fairly last minute arrangements to go and see my dad in Kent, to deal with some paperwork.  On the way, I stopped at Curry’s at Lakeside just north of the Dartford crossing, to pick up a cheap printer, as some of the paperwork needed printing out and scanning, which I could then do from my phone.  By lunchtime I was heading back.

I have removed the masking tape from the handrails, and I’m pretty pleased with how they look.  They are certainly better than they were before.

This afternoon, to finish off my steps, I went for a walk along the towpath.  I’d planned to use the offside path between bridges 62 and 61, and the start of the path even has a nice new gate.

Unfortunately beyond the gate, the stinging nettles were just too thick.  I got through the first few metres unscathed, but round the corner there was no way of getting through, not in shorts anyway.

During all the driving today I had an idea for the intro for yesterday’s boat test, so I really should get on and start writing it, before I forget what the idea was.

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