Wednesday 13 March 2019


I came up to the boat this morning after my night shift.  I was meeting someone at the marina at 10, and was early enough to stop at Tesco in Wolverton to buy some food.  Just after ten, a director of RCR arrived to fit a remote monitoring device which is undergoing testing before being launched later this year.  It was all installed by lunchtime.

It has been extremely windy all day, with waves on the marina.  Every now and then a squally shower blew through too.  I had originally planned to head out of the marina this afternoon but there was no way I was going in strong winds like this.  I did see one boat going past, a Wyvern hire boat.  It has calmed down in the past hour or so, so I’ll see what it’s like tomorrow.  Instead, while the engine boards were clear I checked and topped up the batteries, and then filled the water tank.

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