Sunday 14 July 2013

Thames Convoy

We've had a great day today.  I finished a night shift this morning, and found somewhere to have a couple of hours sleep, then a shower.  Adrian came up to London on the train.

We had a long-arranged lunch appointment with friends, and they'd booked the Swan, at the Globe Theatre.  We had a table by the open windows, over looking the Thames.

We knew a St Pancras Cruising Club convoy was due during the afternoon, but the boats started coming a bit sooner than we'd expected.  We'd barely finished dessert when I spotted Doris Katya, the boat of the Commodore, leading the way.  In the group of four boats was ChanceWe phoned Doug and James to let them know we could see them, but I'm not sure they spotted us.  I was taking photos out the window.

About 15 minutes later, the next lock-full of boats arrived, with Indigo Dream leading the way.  We phoned Sue and Richard to let them know we could see them, and I don't think they saw us either.

After lunch we walked down the south bank, and saw two more groups of boats.  We were missing one, though.  Then, as we walked across Hungerford Bridge, we spotted the final group of boats in the distance, heading our way, with Caxton among them.

When they were virtually underneath us, we yelled at Paul and Elaine so they'd give us a wave!

A great way to spend an afternoon.


Ali and John (NB Triskaideka) said...

Great pictures Paul & Elaine will be so pleased with the photos. I spoke to Doug this afternoon & he said they did see you!

Paul and El said...

Hi Adam
Thanks for taking those amazing pics, I hope you didn't rush your lunch!

nb Chance said...

Great Pics Adam, Hope you don't mind if we borrow them for the blog! See you soon.

Paul and El said...

Hi Adam
Hope you dont mind, we have nicked a pic for our blog, we also also linked it to yours.
