Sunday 21 July 2024


Yesterday evening we got absolutely soaked in a torrential downpour in Chester, so much so that we needed a complete change of clothes. Today was much better. 

We went and found a cafe for breakfast, settling on Chalk Coffee for poached eggs on toast. Then we walked along to the city walls and the canal. We walked along to the basin. 

From there we headed back to the Northgate Locks, and on under the Bridge of Sighs and by the converted mill buildings. 

By the lead shot tower there are new flats and bridge.

Opposite is a new Waitrose and a hotel. We walked back through the city to the river side and round some more of the walls to the Eastgate clock. 

It was getting towards lunch time, so we went and got the car and picked up my dad to take him out for lunch. We had a pretty decent roast at the Cheshire Cat. He likes to go for a ride in the car, so we drove down to Grindley Brook, where we knew there was a cafe with a car park near the lock. There were several boats coming up, and we spent a while watching them and then having tea and coffee at the cafe. 

We returned via a different route, and dropped my dad off again. As we’d had a big lunch, we got a few bits from a supermarket, and walked down across the river and back across the footbridge. 

We sat on a bench and had a picnic, before returning to our hotel.

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