Tuesday 15 September 2020

Rediscovery Cruise: Day 13

The mooring at Caversham was good — really surprisingly quiet once the kids had gone home from the playground.  When we moored up yesterday, we noticed that the fuel boat, Merchant, was moored on the other side, and arranged for a diesel delivery this morning.  Stanley the dog appears to be in charge, and under his direction we took on board 121 litres.

We set off down Caversham Lock and found plenty of space on the Tesco mooring, so we could do a big restock.  It was 10.30 before we set off again, heading for Sonning.  Below the lock there was some tree surgery going on, so we had to wait briefly before we could go through the bridge.

Shiplake Church looks great high up on the hill.  Then Lower Shiplake, below the lock, has some fantastic houses.

At Marsh Lock we were fourth in the queue, but all got in the lock.  Going through Henley is also exciting, with plenty going on.

There’s a lovely Mill at Hambledon Lock.

Medmenham Abbey looked fantastic in the sunshine, and then there’s Dansefield Hotel high up on the hill.

We passed Bisham Abbey, and went into Marlow where we’d hoped to stop for the night.  However, the moorings by the park were completely full, so we had to go down the lock.  Marlow is still a very pretty town.

We had a couple of abortive attempts at finding moorings, including getting stuck for a bit, when a very helpful boater gave us a pull to get free.  We ended up at Bourne End, where we asked a cruiser if he would move up a bit to create a space big enough for us.  We are right in front of No Problem XL — so we’ve had a nice socially distanced outdoor chat and drink with Sue and Vic, catching up on the four years or so since we last saw them.

20 miles, 8 locks.  (193 miles, 98 locks)

1 comment:

  1. It was just so nice to see you both today and really pleased you couldn't find a mooring at Marlow!!

    Lovely chatting to you both this afternoon a real treat for us it's been a long time since boating friends of ours have moored up close by!

    Happy travels to you both xx
